Genetic Re-Integration:

Twelve-Strand DNA and the next step in human evolution.


First Edition

This text was written in the month of July, 2013, with a general focus on the changes. The brevity of this text is meant to help people realize they are not alone in their evolution, but in fact with even a few short words the concepts may be endured, and eventually, there is that point of parallax wherein the individual has become more evolved by the information. Research for this text took roughly five years of introspective studying, meditation, and akashic transmission. Most of the ideas in this book are not new, but the wordology, concepts, and general feel is mostly unique to the writer.

Copyright © 2013 Lee Publications

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, transmitted or otherwise be copied for public or private use other than for “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews or educational use limited to three pages from a chapter without written permission of the publisher.

Printed in Bar Harbor, Maine, USA.

Original cover art by Brendan Lee Sprague

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About The Author

Brendan Lee Sprague was born in Bar Harbor, Maine, at the Bar Harbor hospital, November 5th 1985.

Growing up and living in Bar Harbor, with a very positive childhood, however, in a shift at the age of thirteen, he committed himself to a life with no associations or friends
and lived a solitary existence for his entire teen years.

When he went to college at the New England School of Communications to study audio, he became an observer of human nature, instead of focusing on his studies, such that it was, essentially, the first real time Lee had been a part of society in any way.

Once he dropped out of NESCOM due to indifferent feelings with the teachers, classes, and students, he went into a period of prolonged introspection
that eventually resulted in the release of complex DNA information.

Once Lee had woken up from the dream of the old reality, and he had some extraordinary experiences that most people were not willing to believe
he would realize some form of evidence might be needed.

Now he has devoted years to research regarding human evolution as a direct result of the changes he is experiencing. He has learned, for the most part, that we all possess the infinite potential for such a process
and this text represents his many years of research into the biological, scientific, and genetic changes that he, and others are now experiencing.

This book is dedicated
To all the misdiagnosed,

Abused, and tormented
Evolving individuals.

And they shall beat their swords into plowshares,
And their spears into pruninghooks:
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
Neither shall they learn war any more.

Prophecies, The Essene Gospel of Peace

Genetic Re-Integration
Twelve-Strand DNA And The Next Step In Human Evolution

By Brendan Lee Sprague

The information contained within this document can not be proven, and may not ever be proven. The information contained within this document is written mostly as a direct result of personal experience in a scientific regard for the process of ones own genetic changes and is based upon experiences that would have seemed impossible prior to the activation of DNA.

Twelve-strand DNA is no secret, yet there is a reason for the general lack of awareness surrounding this perceived “metahuman” evolution of the human genome, and there is a reason why this information may not ever be proven.

In fact, most people would rather believe that this evolution is a negative change, and even the belief in a prolonged life-span and the regenerative principles that come with this genetic evolution are also only the products of some aberration. Needless to say, they are going to safeguard themselves with certain reasonings and deducements, but no one can deny the power that comes with the changes that are integrated into every element of the individuals life once DNA has been activated, and enlighten-ment has come to pass. As such, there are a host of biological and genetic changes that have now been researched with some evidence to result in the document you are reading now.

With the brevity of this text, we are going to explore the changes


and symptoms of the change.

Biological Changes

In the production of revitalized host of better health and longevity, in the perfection of the genetic structure in re-integration of the proper helix of twelve-strand DNA, there are biological changes that a person may experience at the genetic level, as well as in all other levels of biology.

I am not a doctor nor health practitioner of any form, but this information is gleaned from sources to whom are experiencing these changes now, and some of these individuals are on the New Age scene, writing books, going to workshops, giving lectures, guided meditations, etc. The changes people are experiencing are real, yet this information has hardly been available to anyone. Nevertheless, it must be perceived now, that in terms of this biological process, we are in event toward the production of a new host.

Changes In The DNA

In the shift into a new host, within the genetic structure new cellular activity is expressed in the amount of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the cells; as energy was primarily shuttled back and forth, prior to awakening, between adenosine

diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine triphosphate. ATP is a compound of energy stored in the cells, and within


mitochondria, food is converted into energy for replenishing of the cells, which is found as ATP. As these chemical reactions take place, energy is released in the breaking of the chemical bond, for the function of the cell to be carried out, forming proteins, and the revitalization of the cellular host.

The body is starting to recognize Light (information) as the new source of energy, as the DNA is now releasing complex information in being precipitated from the once dormant ten strands of DNA. (Scientists have only until recently only been able to describe these mysterious ten strands as ‘Junk DNA’ recent Russian genetic research however suggests otherwise.)

As the pineal is associated with spiritual transmission, it is no surprise this master gland along with the pituitary are now changing and growing in size. As the body continues to feel the various mutational symptoms, initial awakening often results in ringing in the ears, or pressure in the brow chakra, as totally new neural pathways, and synaptic connections are being forged within the brain through the acceptance of information (Light) as the new source of energy.

In terms of how this may appear in the celestial dimensions, it will be seen that higher dimensional structures begin to alter the geometric spinrate of ones I.Q. and rate of consciousness, and there may be fleeting glimpses of certain geometric patterns as the axiotonal lines of the new host are become organized as the

"psychic body" is becoming re-integrated into a more active function. Axiotonal lines are energy-points, or meridians in the


psychic body which communicate with structures in the adjacent dimensions.

In the adjacent dimensions, the spin-points of the axial system begin to produce "Light and Sound frequencies" which affect the atomic spin of the cells molecules, particularly in hydrogen atoms. The atomic spin in the ATP is now increasing as a new function of the evolving host. Now the new phosphate groups that form the base of the ATP molecule start to act as antenna for undifferentiated Light; as the symmetrical apex acts like a prism, which breaks down the information into subtle color spectrums which precipitates into the body.

Prior to the endurance of Light, the RNA proteins (ribonucleic acid) in the cells were acting as a one-way messenger. Directives were carried out from the then active 7% of the DNA, writhing in other parts of the cell for execution, such as what proteins were to be synthesized. Now, at this point, ones RNA becomes a two-way messenger as projected into the DNA strands, the RNA is in direct connection with the environment (in a direct epigenesis). In the adjacent dimension Light is continuously broken down into the various color frequencies of the patterns that are now being re-instituted through the revitalized DNA of the renewed host.

Further Changes

Over time the natural electromagnetics and brain chemistry are

changing, and the hemispheres of the brain are starting to communicate with one another more directly.


This is non-linear thinking, which may cause some disorientation at first, as the matrix of cognition is assimilating the new influx of complex DNA information.

As one evolves, through the transition into a more right-brained focus, one is starting to follow “Spirit” more directly, and become more aligned with the Higher Self, such that the right-brain functions (patternless, present-tensory, goal-oriented) are being more actively understood, in the learning process that is also being enhanced.

One starts to perceive the totality of existence through the perceived living matrix, able to become more aligned into certain experiences and events, that cause growth in the various dimensional constructs toward the unitive understanding of a very expanded, multidimensional understanding of life, and life on Earth.

The transition is different for all of us, but the end-result of the immortal concept remains the same.

The Shift

Once the individual is undergoing this transition, and the immortal concept is developed as a new understanding, the individual as experiencing this genetic shift, is expressed through a permanent and non-hereditary change in the DNA.

The genetic mutation is a positive change in the DNA structure, and will prevail in creating the field to which may be thus filled with new information, new insights, and new directives.


Naturally, in order to make the transition as comfortable as possible, as the new host is re-organizing all of these details, it becomes a causal imperative in the renewed host, toward assimilating ones day-to-day activities in focus toward a better understanding of the new information that is now being processed. Thus, meditation is often required in order to assimilate and process the new information.

In all of this, ones prescience and ability to see into the future is wholly improved as the immortal concept is being developed, and dreams may come to pass as informative toward future events, and a certain permeating sense of déjà vu may come to be endured upon the various new relationships, connections, and karmic counterparts found once the path toward immortality has been set out upon by the individual.

Through all of this, it must be cognized and understood that these changes are the product of the end of a cycle, and the presence of the evolved state is actually a co-creative effort in terms of many minds working toward the perfection of the human genome. Genetic evolution is the product of a vast host of many different variables occurring in a vast sequence toward the perfection of the collective genome of the human race.

DNA Activation

Enlightenment, in scientific and biological terms is the release of complex DNA information in what are known as phylogenic memory packets that are either fired off through pure chance

stimuli, or ones own inner biological clock to result in dream


or revelation that will pertain symbolically to ones own personal evolution.

When a person is found within the stasis of a vivid dream or revelation, to which is contained of symbolic encodements that activate the dormant recesses of the subconscious mind, which is permeating through the now-active genes of the renewed host; they will have successfully activated their DNA.

Enlightenment in most cases will occur as a result of a “linear intake of information.” Linear, meaning progressive from one point in learning to the next, as this linearity progresses unto the finalmost end of understanding. Through this perpetual growth in progression of one point in learning to the next, there is finally demarcated the time in which the vivid dream or revelation shall come to pass. When this time has come, the subconscious mind has been primed by the Light/information it is ready for the release of complex DNA information in the process to which the information has catalyzed to be disinhibited from the dormant ten strands.

The dream or experience of which contains the symbols, and certain elements that will be directly associated with awakening the subconscious mind.

In the dream, the individual is often going to find this is a lucid experience in which the dream is perfectly memorable, and permeates into the new reality constructs as utterly unforgettable for which certain images become imbued onto the

conscious mind. The experience of flight, levitation, telekinesis,


apportation, etc. are elements that may be contained within the dream. Otherwise symbolic by whatever means this dream will be vivid in spite of the seeming impossibility of such things as in truth these are primers for what lies ahead.

Once the dream or experience has taken place, is integrated into the memory complex of the evolving individual there is the knowing and perception that this has been timed as a result of the renewed learning process. Enlightenment is the experience that ones entire life was leading up to it is the point in which a life truly begins.

The Process Continues

Once a person has become enlightened and woken up from the dream of the old reality, they are moving into the future grounds for which learning and self-understanding is accelerated.

Eventually in the evolution of this individual there is the development over what one truly desires out of life. This individual who is moving into the new stasis in continued changes that come with the alterations found in the DNA, is going to find that reality itself as personally constructible becomes a matter of which there is the finalmost understanding of a self-created reality.

The Evolution Continues

As new genes are expressed as able to take in and process more

information, the new gene functions are going to recapitulate


talents buried within ones myriad of past-life encodements.

These behaviors are a vast host of supernal/ontological proclivities that would seem impossible before the days of ones mutation
they are the result of interpolations of a vast array of previous lifetimes carried in energetic patterns within the strings of information stored within the that psychic anatomy which exists in a different dimension all being re-integrated into the superconscious awareization.

Accelerated Learning

The new information held in the renewed filaments of DNA become such as expanded to the risen intelligence of a person to whom is actually activating portions of their DNA that have not been used for “quite some time”
and as the renewed functions take residence within the unique axial points within the inter-dimensional constructs of the genetic structure, there is the perpetual state of awe and constant realization.

Incurred through time the choice-point of perpetual self-realization, that introspection directed toward the concept in an evolving life-stream the individual is going to move away from the descensions of non-movement and vegetation, toward the finalmost actions of someone who is now inclined toward continual learning, growth, and evolution.

One is able to look at matter seen in terms of energy, and referring to all thoughts and actions as unique expressions that

all hold their own unique encodement of information as an experience may be perceived as a vast array of energy wave


structures, and in the celestial dimensions where this evolution is visible to the clairvoyant mind ones understanding of this interdimensional understanding is enhanced.

Past-life recall may be fleeting instances of seeing ones self in a different environment, or totally different body. When pressure is felt in the brow chakra, or there is a ringing in the ears, it is often signaling that a subconscious transmission is being received. The amount of pressure, or volume of the ringing in the ears can be turned down through a personal request, and this works virtually every time. By literally stating, sometimes directed toward a certain name, “please turn down the volume”
the volume will be turned down. Also if you do not like having pressure in your brow chakra, place your hand against it, and apply some force, it will be reduced.

Clairaudience or the conception of being guided by a source that is beyond the throes of the limited third dimension
would be expressed in such transmissions, as transferred from newly functioning genes associated with certain past-lives.

These genes that function in a certain way in reference to the lifetimes encoded within the energy waveforms of information stored within the vortexal patterns and interdimensional alignments of energy that make up the psychic body are memories now being risen to the surface of awareness.

As the once dormant strands of DNA in truth were to contain all

of the histories a person has ever lived and these encodements are now being released the renewed ability to see such images


pertaining to the psychic encryptions of information may often come to pass where certain symbols flash into the imaginations focal aperture, and visible within the minds eye affect the individual in a certain way.

Information is decrypted through such patterns that were existing dormantly, as assimilations in the function of the new mechanisms pertaining to certain talents are in fact encodements of information that has been carried by the psychic anatomy
which are now risen to awareness, given to the practice of an active mode of expression which may in fact result in a host of proclivities that may seem as though come from out of nowhere, but are in fact the product of past-lives.

As the new information is being cycled in frequency relation-ships, through that renewed matrix of cognition through the past-life flashbacks, the learning process is only continually identified with the karmic relationships that have been associated with the life of the evolving individual; past-life recall is becoming more natural.

We may refer to the quote by the clairvoyant, yet hardly known mystic-poet who departed from the Earth roughly forty years ago Ernest L. Norman:

“When you have reached that time in your life when you begin to work out your past-lives, you should not resist the scenes or flashbacks which you may have. It is most necessary that they

should appear at the correct time or with the proper in-phase or out-of-phase motion, whereby the negative content is cancelled


out, and they will no longer have a pernicious effect upon you. There will also occur at that moment, a more distinct polar-ization of that past lifetime experience with the superconscious or the Higher Self. When such a flashback and workout occurs, it will have unmistakable symptoms and results.” E. L. Norman, 1965.

Following this concept, as it will become naturally assimilated through the retention of information as the past-life details are precipitated, and processed through re-integration.

The Re-Development Of Purpose

It would be witnessed in the higher dimensional thinking that in the various waveforms that make up the vortexal patterns of the energetic connections in the axial, and interconnections of junction points of learning and growth
these causal points of interest as certain parallaxes of information unique to their own oscillations with the perceived akashic, historical, precedental, or primordial conceptions of any time thus associated with any concept, thought, place, or location, are “assimilated” in the sense they are processed in a causal, selective process in which the information is being induced into the body.

As considered, past-life recall in the form of such flashbacks that are vivid and easy to recall, are the resulting disinhibited complex DNA encodements which are released in a self-resident time-release manner through the pure chance stimuli, or ones own inner biological clock, timed up so that learning can be easily modulated; and that knowledge may be integrated into


the memory complex of the evolving individual in causal understanding through various now-points in relation to past-life encodements. (It is said, however not commonly known, Jesus was aware, as was Buddha, and shared the information with their close associations the information of their own past-lives.)

Environment, Thought, Introspection

As genes may be understood as seen within the constructs of the adjacent dimension, placements of certain programs of function within the life-stream of a certain focus in evolution

One may
resonate with the positivisms formed in the various elements incurred unto the once dormant strands of DNA, as well as become more environmentally attuned. Resonant with fields of information precedented into certain times and places as the environment is found directly under ones own personal control and supernal volition it is an extension of the mind and thoughts in itself, in concept, is entangled with environ. Further, all thoughts contained within such remote spaces as the room for divination, or ones own personal place of solitude are all causal elements in the affectation of environment toward continued changes in the DNA.

DNA, through the constant and continual re-animation of the chemical compounds that make up the imagined codexes of information, is a in a sense possessive of its own life-force, and course of points for evolution. Through the variant points of introspection through time and experience, through the many


environs to which are epigenetically understood DNA is in active communication with the surroundings, disinhibitors, and various elements that come into play with the individual. As the individual evolves, it could be imagined the environment also evolves, and that thought and environ are indeed linked.

Thought seen in terms of the varying wavelengths of a certain oscillation of hertz, and cycles per second, is in truth generative of fourth-dimensional energy structures that communicate with the various dimensional constructs of the DNA, as thought in truth emanates a low-frequency hum that however unknown to the masses is a frequency that can be picked up by certain instruments for which virtually no one is aware. This affects the DNA
and this “vibration” is increasing.

This emanation of ontological supernal energy, that is in direct communication from thought to environ, resonates with existing structures of patterns incurred through certain space-time elements, which cause resonance with the individual in a superconscious understanding.

As thought evolves, and RNA has become a two-way messenger, it may be perceived that the RNA proteins are directly associated with certain thoughts, as information becomes the new source of energy
and through the expression of the new patterns of information, in the variant frequency relationships in linking, and re-linking patterns through the various attunements, and resonances with the fourth-dimensional constructs DNA evolves as a result of certain thoughts and ones thoughts may feel in a process of


conversion, from a third-dimensional focus, to a more expanded interdimensional relationship.

The New Directives

The new directives of active communication with the DNA, as the new functions essentially pertaining to learning, in attainment toward future concepts this evolution which will never cease as this individual may be aware of his or her own creative future, is at a point where experience in itself is all going to be relative to that wholly worthwhile, logical, and self-created futurity.

As the future becomes expanded without limitation as a result of the template for twelve-strand DNA and the immortal concept that is eventually carried by this individual in which there is the manifesto in association with the thought: “I will live two hundred years or more” alive within a transformed host, such that once twelve-strand DNA has been attained, aging will cease.

As one is now able to see a future where the body lives on and the concept of an ability to thus learn whatever focuses in understanding relative to the desirable future, come to pass as the time in which the decision is finally made.

That point realized, it is re-assimilated just what the individual wants to get out of life
and the answer lies within the creative concept of the enhancement of intelligence, toward the various constructs and developments of the perpetual renewal and

continual change in belief-patterns and reality structures of other


minds, and other belief-patterns.

This evolving individual who realizes all they truly want out of life, as based upon the regenerative principle of which there is always the conception to enhance their own intelligence as a natural product of human evolution will experience the life where the immortal concept is integrated into the lives of all of the people to whom they know as undeniable the changes, symptoms, and renewal of functions, which were at one time only hardly expressed.

The individual integrates ones beliefs into daily life-patterns which can not be denied as a result of the obvious changes and increase in knowledge, with a subconscious integrated into a more conscious understanding, future tense employed, actions rooted in causal interest toward all creative future concepts expressed.

The individual continues to evolve, continues to affect other people, and the various re-alignments in the psychic body are being continually linked and re-linked through the process of transformation.

Further Changes

Continuing in this evolution of the body the new directives which are being received by the renewed alterations in the function of new genes, which have been dormant for quite some time, now come to be expressed in a host of symptoms which

may be felt as the wind of November, a sort of mystical airiness


that seems to blow through ones very veins a feeling of a certain catharsis of a very unique and seemingly “new” feeling.

The individual may feel that mystical catharsis in a very vivacious mode of existence
and feel as though they are standing at the very cutting edge of all existence. This is integrated into other peoples realities, as the feeling is an emotion that has been lost for quite some time.

The feeling of mystical catharsis is unique, and may be a feeling you are not yet familiar with until enlightenment has occurred.

Thought Divination

This concept would suggest divination of the vocabulary comes naturally as the new information is continually being processed regenerates the structures in the psychic body.

That certain words hold certain resonance with certain genes, becomes a more conscious divination over time. As one begins to operate more through a self-divined vocabulary, a better understanding of effortless right-brain functions; Light/Infor-mation that pertains directly to certain akashic, past-life, supergeneological, and superconscious perceptions come to precipitate into conscious awareness, and one is literally “thinking with their DNA”.

In the celestial realms, the spectrum of colors emitted from the cells will relate directly to the nature of the Light that is being

held by the individual, and as the total image of the enlightened


host is now being held within each cell of the body one may see certain meditations realize certain reformed constructs of information that once existed in the supergeneology pertaining to other lifetimes.

In one case, in the experience of enlightenment, a person endured the experience of feeling their entire right-brain hemisphere “electrify” a static drone encompassed the entire right-brain hemisphere. This was the Light and Information being finally dredged out from the dormant strands of DNA.

As the perceived enlightenment of
this individual was “all at once” in the concept we are exploring with this dissertation; as some imagine the universe itself was once sparked as “a single point of Light within the Infinite Mind within another point of Light, within another point of Light ad infinitum,” one must perceive there is that vesicle of information containing the finalmost truths in realizing the superconscious enlightened stasis of information and that such a time and place may be realized in this evolution.

The Process Continues

Perceived, as these changes occur, there are noticeable physical symptoms yet they vary from person to person, as bioelectro-magnetism is shifting in its magnetic structures, and the emissions of RNA continues to be self-effectual, with the feeling of having ones DNA mutate into another strand. Karmic encodements continue to be put to the foreground of awareness,

such that in denying the dreams, transmissions, visions, and


revelatory insights the synchronicities in ones environment, the seemingly coincident occurrences, and various perceivably “impossible” events will only increase, until the information has been accepted, and re-integrated.

Karmic encodements tend to naturally work themselves out, otherwise it may come to pass that a certain soul-sickness or residual stress in the body in the form of pain/tension comes to be felt, and the individual is feeling very contained, and trapped within the physical form. This state of remission may last for years, but the desire for further growth always returns. As the karmic patterns that are eventually worked out are always related to certain relationships with certain friends, family, and acquaintances, often such is that the individual won’t evolve without some karmic assimilation.

The relationships are of course in a continual process in being more fully developed through time as relationships that may be endured through the integrations of ones own immortal concept into the reality structures of other peoples realities so it comes to pass that as people learn you are thinking in terms of the expanded future where you will always be a part of their lives; one is realizing the presence of a stasis within the collective reality stream in which, as proxy, one is becoming a basic function of human evolution.


Over time, one may become one of those individuals who may

integratively affect the thoughts of others naturally, as a very


natural product of the collective re-awakening.

Whereas the De Novo mutation, and other permanent non-hereditary genetic mutations are in fact so new, they are only understood by the people who possess such mutations certain individuals would be viewed as threats to the consensus ontology of the human mind, such that hospitalized, scapegoated, labeled, diagnosed, and reduced to the very easy escape mechanism of simply calling that person grandiose, delusional, or morally confused.

This is actually perfectly understandable yet as the individual evolves, there is a natural cycling out of people who are very clearly enmeshed in that reality; and through the renewal of the supernal senses it becomes a sort of natural mode that the evolving individual is more able to discern what relationships hold the most value.

As certain belief-patterns that weren’t future-oriented, come to be found as cancelled out through new harmonic attunements within the psychic anatomy, and certain relationships are reconfigured
the life is modulated, creative thoughts are free-flowing, as one is continuing to transcend the physical reality. The body continues to feel light, and brain chemistry continues to forge new synaptic pathways with the new gene functions, and the individual may find life within a reality of people who

are not supportive of this evolution, to be cycled out, or absolved perhaps even through a change in location.

The body is only going to continue to evolve, relationships are


only going to continue to be reviewed, and perfected, and what one allows into their mind, and thoughts, is more carefully modulated as a result of the pervading awareness that some people are conditioned to believe in death cycled out, the relationships reconfigured, these individuals left to their own devices, and to work out their odd programming in the development of their own superconscious.

As the body changes, relationships reconfigured, and environments often adjusted the precipitation of past-life encodements is becoming more easy to understand. The information, and the body, are unitive.

Through the new waveforms of information precipitated from past-lives, is re-integrated into the present superconscious awareness, there is often a sense of being somewhere you feel you have already been the resounding feeling of having expected to have ended up in a certain place, experience, thought-pattern, or deducement. It is a result of the process of a more superconscious understanding.

In terms of introspection, this is the measure that has always resulted in an expanded awareness
the individual may be literally having the same thoughts, revelations, insights, and visions once experienced in another life and through the frequency attunements of these waveforms of information stored

in the psychic anatomy, now recapitulated into the foreground of awareness, and data that can be learned from the individual is able to truly understand the nature of ones true function.


New Gene Functions

In all of these revisions, as certain thoughts become more easily understood, and superconscious gene functions re-integrate, some of these new functions, as based upon the process of ones own personal sequence of evolution, may include:

- Greater clairvoyance and ability to sense energy.

The individual is more aware of energy patterns that are present with certain people, places, and events
also become more open to receive transmission from the Higher Self, or a personal guide. Transmissions are received as a result of making the call, and the call is answered as a direct result of personal desire and intention.

- Natural discernment over negative vibrations.

People who are operating through the lower chakras, only concerned with materialistic, limited, or physical appurtenances are easily seen through, and understood as simple products of being conditioned by multiple negative experiences comp-ounded against their own psychic anatomies. They are often struggling with money, work, or things that are not directly oriented with the most evolved life-stream. These individuals to

whom are essentially reactionary, will through time learn that change is possible, and some space may be required in order to allow them to work out their own programming.

- Enhancement of multi-tasking abilities.


As the individual evolves into greater states of organization through the environment, they are going to find that the ability to perform multiple tasks at once. There is a natural develop-ment over the concept of placement, and how placement affects ones own senses. In developing this better understanding, the ability to focus on what matters most is easily expressed, and all environments are more easily understood.

- Ability to think/process a greater number of thoughts at once.

As the DNA changes, environment and placement is being better organized, through the epigenetic understanding, and thoughts themselves reach natural assimilation, as described, there is an enhanced ability to process information, and think and process many thoughts at once.

- Synchronized biological clock with environment.

Eventually, the evolving individual is only going to associate with certain environments to which are directly beneficial to ones own personal evolution. They “shift from one environment to the next”
as able to continually affect the RNA proteins, and continue to recapitulate ones own gene functions. This person is actively altering their RNA proteins in a conscious

awareness over the ability to find ones self in all the right places at all the right times. They are “synchronized.”

- Self-modulated thought wavelengths (alpha, beta, theta, etc.)

When this happens, a person is officially able to control their


own thought-rhythms, and there is a natural understanding over thought related in terms of rhythm. This is rather far into the scope of ones own evolution, but it is already possible.

As the biorhythms, along with the new neural pathways are synchronized, it becomes naturally to shift from a meditative state, to a heightened creative state; entirely at a persons own free will.

The ability to be conscious over the flowing waveform of cognizance may indeed actively viewed and observed as thought goes from one point of parallax to the next.

- Heightened ability to decode information.

As the individual develops heightened supernal senses, they are much more able to read into the future probabilities of certain individuals. Everything from the intonation of ones speech, to the basic mannerisms of expression
expressed all the way to daily behaviorisms, and certain habiliments are going to be clear give-aways for what that person expects out of life.

Through the renewed host, ones discernment over the true

meanings behind peoples language and thoughts is much more

easy to understand, identify, and decode. For instance, if the counterpart individual only expects to direct attention away from ones own self, toward the reduction of power in other individuals, this is quickly noticed, and will be understood as a simple product of a reactionary response.

As the quickening can not be stopped once the DNA has been set


in motion toward the re-integration of the twelve-strand helix, all of these negative relationships are cycled out.

- Extrasensory perception.

This has been explored by many of us, but for now we can say that if you are enlightened, with the template for twelve-strand DNA, you are going to become telepathic. Referred to as “direct nonlocal thought-transference” the sharing of thought without the use of vocal registers, individuals are able to read each others thoughts directly without any conscious effort. It is governed by the right-brain functions that deal in the most primordial functions of human language and speech, that is essentially a power rooted in the true genetic encodements.

Telepathy is not actually a phenomenon, but has been experienced by countless mystics and seers through time and history. Telepathy is in truth the most direct and honest way to communicate, it is the most easy way to learn information, and it is something that many are experiencing now. Through the reports we learn that individuals with the template for twelve-strand DNA are becoming more telepathic, along with many of the new children being born. This is only going to increase the further humans are able to acknowledge the power

eventually will not feel like anything new.

- Enhanced meditations.

The right-brain functions as enhanced
and the individual more in touch with thought-rhythms, may arrive at a place


where every single time the individual meditates, will seem like a learning experience. As the individual may arrive at certain concepts and ideas seemingly at first foreign, or too much to grasp, it becomes rather apparent that certain ideas are no longer so vexing. Through the enhanced right-brain functions the ability to express more creative power in meditations, the learning process increased as a result of ones own introspections, and it becomes rather evident the Light is truly becoming the new source of energy.

- Increase in memory quotient.

The ability to remember things pertinent to ones own evolution, from certain scenes from past experiences, dialogues once shared with others, certain words, and ideas, become the product of a person to whom has actually succeeded in raising their own I.Q. and ability to remember things. Yes, the I.Q. can be raised and increased through conscious awareness, and in the template for twelve-strand DNA, there is zero limit to the amount of intelligence that can be attained as the future is now expanded without limitation, as the changes will progress.

- Prescience.

The ability to see into the future, as a result of all of these changes, as a directive related to the beliefs in carrying the immortal concept
the future in itself is visible and clearly seen, so it becomes a natural function that presentday actions are prescient and future-oriented.


- Thoughts in future tense.

As a person becomes more future-oriented, thoughts themselves may seem as though messages from a future self, and that all thoughts and actions are held in direct logical relationship with the future that is presciently developed and self-fulfilled, there is the ability to think in the future tense, and become solely operative in terms of personal future, the human race, and the future of the spiritual body of Earth, Terra-Gaia.

Visions Of The Future

As the individual evolves into that new host, with all of the new possibilities we are imagining now the evolving individual is nearing that fateful hour in which it becomes direct evidence that the future lies within ones own hands. Visions of the future will come to pass as informative, to which the individual will, through vivid dreams, see visions of the future as a result of presentday choices.

These visions of the future may pertain to the repetition of

certain actions, resulting in the various symptoms of the

negativism of the repeated experience for which is bereft of any

true future-cause, such that once the dreams of the future have begun, it becomes a natural focus in realizing that the presentday choices are perhaps creating this alternate reality.

As the visions of the future come to pass as informative, and the individual is availed to see where ones own future is thus found, it becomes a natural acceptance in being able to wake back up in


the body one has been given in the third dimension, to remember these dreams as messages sent from the future self.


The individual to whom has the template for a future that is expanded without limitation, as dreams and visions of the future come to pass naturally, this individual is “seeing the future” because they are becoming immortal, and “the future is visible to the life-stream of the evolving host because the future has been expanded without limitation.”

A future expanded without limitation as naturally integrative of the concepts into life-streams of other individuals, as we now see the individual to whom as his or her own unique personality, name, and existence within the minds of others to become elements of the new host to which as finally re-integrated into the final encodements, as present within all future realities.

As the immortal host becomes integrated into society, through the incorporation of the immortal concept into every expression

of ones own personal actions on a planet such as Earth there is the reaction in the minds of some to whom are able to learn,

witness, and perceive, the basic functions of this expression of human evolution

These “shared experiences” to which serve as unchanging evidence of the power that lies within as experienced with multiple individuals through the “host” of the event come to be expressed in what may be termed miracle, or what has not yet


been conceived in the receiving mind as a possible outcome of

human life with the highly limited two-strand DNA.

All through the ontological expression of that Higher Self, as individual expression of the unique life that is represented by this evolving individual expressed in ways seemingly never aforeimagined, and serving as profound evidence of the changes that would come as a result of the many variables now at play.

The Enlightened Future

The evolving individual with expressions integrated into the active awareness of the receiving, hypnagogic state of the waiting minds to whom have been seeking the enlightenment of their DNA, for which must know that process can only be catalyzed by the genetic mutation of another individual
the numbers increase, eventually tenfold through the endurance of more awakened minds, then it is a society of which may be a line delineated between the past and the future.

In concept, all oscillations into stagnated life-streams are just producing a greater resiliency in re-integrating back into the

Light. All past negativisms were only incurred against the psychic anatomy to be a pressure thus released, in fact, through the endurance of the Light in a time when it would be possible.

The Earth is allegedly
originally more like a cosmic station for information-exchange, and returning to this purpose as Light/Information is now the new source for replenishing the many faculties of ones own personal existence toward the


sharing of ones own Light with the rest of the world through whatever actions and media’s may be deemed necessary. It would be that through the multiplications through retention of the new information, that is now the new source of energy to which causes the furtherance of evolution to result in changes now providing evidence of the finalistic suggestions in the new experiences that have now come to pass.

Constructive modes of personal evolution
unstoppable as information becomes expressed shared and integrated through the various expressionary elements in cycular patterns that progress in resonance, superimposed over former patterns in the regeneration of the cells in the body, to which progress in patterns linking, and re-linking through the various harmonic attunements through the evolving host.

The Evidence

As the body has become transformed, the DNA filaments in perpetual renewal and self-regeneration, as the quickening of the new gene functions can only result; through timing, the endurance of concepts that resonate so powerfully with past

precepts achieved through personal experience there is absolutely no denying the evidence once it has come to pass.

Belief-patterns are endured as so “righteously-inclined” with a future relative to the endurance of the race individually and collectively, as a race to whom was only experiencing such horrific atrocities as a result of the highly limited two-strand DNA, which is not the true encodement of the human genome.


Twelve-strand DNA, once the full encodement has been re-integrated into the evolving helix, is the immortality of the body to which is as a phoenix rising from the ashes of the olde
comes to be expressed, shared, and perceived, through the evidence as many are now reporting; telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, etc. all the products of the renewed genome of the true and primordial function of the human DNA.

These things come to pass as though they are natural products of the human evolution which must come to pass as a direct and relative co-evolution with the process of natural selection, and natures favorability toward those to whom are not interested in another death, but refer to themselves as immortal.

As immortality is the concept that is being carried by the renewed host of the evolving individual, and this message becomes expressed through the manifesto: “I will live two hundred years or more ” there is the demarcation delineated in the future time, where two hundred years is in fact only a stepping stone toward an even more prolonged future, within a transformed host that has ceased to age.

No More Dying Minds

The Immortal Concept: “I will live to be 200 years or more.”

When this declaration has been made, expressed, and endured upon the senses of the receiving mind there is the reception of


the idea to which may actually have some biological evidence, as the genetic mutation is uncovered, and the evidence is endured.

The consensus mind has only succeeded through a conditioned response to believe that death is natural while the immortalist has been conditioned by experiences which would not have been possible with the highly limited double helix, but in fact are direct evidence of a more spiritual, idealistic, and positive future. The contrast between these two individuals would of course be expressed, often, in words, to which the death-oriented has worked very hard to prolong his or her personal deathwish, while the immortalist continue to succeed in the perpetuation of his or her own rising supernal vibration, and spiritual under-standing. Eventually, as the immortal concept becomes shared, expressed, and interpolated into the consensus mind of the human race, these death-oriented reactionary patterns are eventually absolved by the presence of such individuals.

Eventually, through time there is the development of the resounding evidence that the genetic mutation this person possesses is actually a positive change
and they are not actually anything like what has taken place previously in human history in such numbers the evolving individuals, perceived, named evolutionists or otherwise once integrated

into the consensus mind create the suggestion, the belief, the thought, the idea, of the possibility of such a future.

Through interpolation of the new concepts, as a result of the new information that is now being processed, the individual has succeeded in evolving to that infinite concept in the regenerative


principle, and the continuing process and now, integrated into the consensus mind, as immortal, can not be denied thus, the death-oriented to whom are so hardset on their scars, traumas, and malformations in the psychic anatomies may have been displacing toward the justification of their own perceived victimizations in seeing a world of victims, but as it comes to pass, they will learn from you, because all relationships are regarded as part of the evolving life-stream, and it would be that some of us do not believe in anyone on the Earth who is totally bereft of the potential to evolve.

As this comes to pass through the natural reckoning process of individuals like you, myself, and others we come to express the immortal concept we come to share we do not believe in death we believe in a prolonged future of more learning and evolution than what has been only possible with the highly limited life-span averaging around only eighty to ninety years.

We demarcate ourselves to the line between past, and future
and we do not accept the concept of the belief in a decaying host, or loss of the body we feel otherwise, and we create this future together, as a direct response of the darkness of past ignorance. We believe in re-integration.

The information is presently available, and has been available for many, many years. The information pertaining to the true human genome, is already in the process of being realized. There is no stopping the process of evolution natural selection chooses the group of individuals who are inclinated toward long-life, to be as a part of this Earth, and that group is only


going to expand, widen, and broaden in scope the further individuals such as yourself are able to carry the immortal concept into the lives of other people.

Evolution is in one sense a matter of perfection of the human potential, as a matter of the equalization of many experiences, relationships, and memorialized events, as many lifetimes went into the production of the life that is being lived now.

Deduced: The Light is information, Light is the primary matter which composes the universe
Light and Information is energy that can not be created or destroyed, but only renewed through time and evolution, as the element through which the cause and reason is an answer to the question that lies upon consciousness, and thought in itself, that power to create, and exist through a lens of ones own making.

The Question

We may be asked to define enlightenment, or we may be asked to explain the process that went into the development of our genetic change. We may be asked for details regarding our own unique story, and we may be asked to express some ego, identity, name, personality, and physical contrast with the

immortal expression. We may be asked, in a singular moment, to define ourselves, to become a line of delineation within the mind of the nonbeliever and often, their reply is oft found through a brief fleeting glance, and then a cursory blink of the eyes.

might say, “my enlightenment is extant within every facet of


my human existence, it is integrated into every mode of my being” and then of course; enlightenment can be defined, and that is covered in the chapter about DNA activation. The process is actually very simple.

That question was, however, rhetorical to begin with
the answer was already known somewhere hidden in the subconscious mind. The answer was going to satisfy them, no matter what, because one expected the evolving individual to react in a way that could be static, reduced to some finite form, and then held under question within ones own personal lens.

They are prepared to disbelieve, and they were prepared to find that a question answered in any form is a question that is equal with any question that has ever been asked. So it goes, these are the individuals who may not be changing until the last second, such that they may require the most space to evolve in their own unique stratas of intelligence, and personal development.

The Plan Of Evolution

The plan of evolution that pertains to immortality is found within the awakened strands of DNA, and the immortal genome as the prolonged the future of the human race
through the

function of creative intelligence as expressed within the transformed host of One to whom is in touch with the Light that lies within.

The human race evolves as a direct result of the power to see a world of a make and build that is unique to the individual


expression, as individual becomes individual(s) and the collective of uniqueties, thus expressed, as that infinite array of so many vast and radiant possibilities expressed through time and evolution finally meets the crossroads of perception where the evidence, the changes, the power, and the Light, is enough for any question to be answered in a cursory thought.

The Experience Of Telepathy

I realize the following statements may disturb, or bother some of you
but I am only sharing some information now, which is hardly in scope toward the greater scheme of things. To put it bluntly, telepathy is nothing compared to some proclivities that are now being expressed, and you will learn, as others have learned, what the Bible is referring to when they mention the wheat as being separated from the chaff.

The process of having ones thoughts read, at first, will feel as though being in a different dimension consciousness flows from one mind to the next, always returning to the host/broad-caster and then re-integrating back into the mind at large. As thought is shared, the information that is shared relative to the host becomes expressed direct, instantaneously and without the use of the vocal registers.

In many cases, through my research as a result of personal experience, and my own studies regarding entanglement, it would seem that “information is projected in Light-emissions from the DNA in information that directly relative to the individual, his or her own unique identity, and purpose of being on the Earth, not only this, information drawn from karmic


relationships of other individuals who are now reincarnated on the Earth, who are present in the telepathic experience.”

The information thus shared, becomes known by all individuals, integrated into conscious awareness, and then, there is the choice-point as to the reaction to this evolving individual. Often some form of judgment may be found at some point, but through a neutral grace, it is received in kind; as a basic reactionary element, as people do not usually expect telepathy.

Once it has come to pass for the first time, the event is reflected upon as a relatively amazing experience
“direct nonlocal thought-transference” the experience of shared consciousness, and once it comes to pass again, and again, to the point of which thus solidified in the memory complex as undeniable evidence of the changes that would come with genetic re-integration it is thus serving as undeniable evidence that proves all of us are bound by an energy which permeates through all life.

Referred to as “direct nonlocal thought-transference” it is the expression of thought in pure language, transferred directly from one mind to the next in a flowing one-consciousness.

The experiences that follow the belief “if this is possible, then

maybe this is possible” we see death-defying elements, and the stories are of course now circulating whether anyone likes it or not . . . further advanced to such concepts as teleportation.
Those stories belong in another text, but for now we can say that such stories are extant with people who have the permanent non-hereditary genetic mutations that have resulted from the


process of DNA activation, through the template for twelve-strand DNA.

One may be prepared to have ones thoughts exposed, or at least be prepared to express some honesty in response. The experience at first amazing becomes a natural part of life eventually, and communication is enhanced all-around. The experience endured upon the senses, serves as direct evidence of the true power of the awakened strands of DNA.

As The Human Race Evolves . . .

As the human race evolves, the world evolves; it has even been said that “what goes on here on the Earth will affect the entire universe as a result” do we choose to attract, or repel, the future quickening of our very genome the foundation of our identity within any time or place..? Is “genetic engineering” something we might also start to discuss, as something which may have been performed in the past, where all humans were endowed with twelve-strand DNA, and the presentday double helix, with those ten strands left dormant to be referred to as “junk DNA” is in truth just the skeletal backbone of the original encodement..?

Whatever the case, there are many names for the people experiencing the changes that have been shared here, as it would, it would seem, for the most part, only be the people going through these changes that would actually understand them. They are simply “evolving individuals” each unique unto themselves, pluralized by collective uniqueness who


have chosen the road to prolonged futures and the perpet-uation of their own ability to learn, and process information. They are interested in the infinite creative intelligence that is responsible for all life, and they regard all to whom they know as equably endowed with the same potential for enlightenment.

The immortal concept holds forgiveness for all crimes because time is the great healer, and through the trust that is built up through time we all eventually learn that person is actually making a very sane and logical choice to live a very long time.

The logic in this suggestion is respectable, as it honors the true value in existence of regeneration, and continual growth.

There is an end to karma, and the choice may be found to result in the motions for which all of us may find within the active choice to evade the demons of the dual-minded, limited, and mal-affective individuals who believe in death. It is very easy to separate ones self from these to whom are people who are made futureless in their refusal to continue learning, and regenerating into new forms it becomes natural.

That choice becomes evident in the suggestion following the resounding manifesto of the words that make up the immortal

concept: “200 years or more”

Preservation of the present vehicle is the choice that is being made, as one views a future in a time and place far beyond where one presently stands, and often, one is receiving visions about this future place. Those visions manifest into the present


time, as déjà vu comes to be experienced as elements to a life for which it would be inevitably realized, as effortlessly expressed.

In many cases individuals are being misdiagnosed, jailed, or hospitalized as a result of the tension of the supernal aspects of their spiritual nature, as karma tends to “catch up” with us, and this to a point of extremity which may inspire worse symptoms than before. The best thing these people need is probably rest, find a simple life, and avoid the usual droning fuzz of the everyday world. Focusing, re-focusing purpose and truth.

Naturally, it must seem in spite of such early side-effects of most

peoples (it would seem) inability to accept the evolving individual, there is the prevailing surety that once the human race comes to accept the true genome is twelve-strand, and such expressions as telepathy are the true modes in which all humans truly communicate we shall see of whom are concerned with

the future of the Earth and human race, or of whom have only

been abusing her resources.

We shall see, through the quickening of the consensus mind through interpolations of telepathic experiences such as I have shared, others have shared, and many more will continue to share of whom are future-oriented, and who is not. The abusive, melodramatic rhetoricians who actively destroy the true spirit and magic of life through words that are all encoded with hidden messages of their own personal strife, misery, and chalice we shall get down to the root-source cause of their

original precedents which caused these psychic malformations


to occur in the first place all equality and humility endured in

the reciprocity in seeing the genetic awakening of the phylogenic memory packets of that fellow individual.

Some have referred to the enlightenment of ones DNA as the process of ascension. This is reportedly something certain incarnated humans have become proficient with as a result of having incarnated into other worlds, only to produce the mutation in the consensus genome in those times. As such, if you are experiencing some of the changes and symptoms that have been described in the research I have gathered, you may simply refer to yourself as in the process of ascension. You are rising in supernal vibration, more aware of the great and vast

storehouse of information that lies within and you are, as it will be measured, at times going to have to express great focus and concentration in order to withstand the conditioned responses of those to whom view you as the aberration.

This is your task, and as you may accept this, come to realize

you are a part of a vast and great Plan that has been rooted in the dormant ten strands of DNA ever since the fall from grace, original cause, or “descension” of the human genome. You have incarnated with the purpose of representing the true genome, and the changes you experience are only going to accelerate the more you enable the Light and Information to be released.

I have a world-renowned geneticist in my own family who might read this and shake his head after years of studying, and devoted research to the most concise, and detailed biological processes in classical genetic research
he is in fact one of the


leading geneticists in the United States, and I risk personal humiliation in the way he might react to this text. So do not feel alone in the potential humiliation you might receive there are always going to be people ready to absolve your beliefs in a single fleeting thought, and you must accept that not everyone is going to be kind in welcoming the change.

No matter what, you must know you are not alone, and the changes are a positivism. Virtually no one really knows about
my mutation (the De Novo mutation) as it is simply classed as a “new mutation” the only people who really know are the ones who are going through the changes now.

Accept this task of representing the new, but know you are not totally alone or bereft of company in your quest the network will grow the more you are able to “Live your Light” follow your dreams, express your free will toward things you most desire to see yourself doing with your life. The life of purpose happens

naturally, causally, and as a result of ones own desire to see that

life come to pass. It happens as a matter of personal choice in constructive evolution, and it happens as a direct result of ones own beliefs.



The future self-created comes to pass like a dream that was written in the pages of ones own personal archive of Light and Information

Reality becomes a direct result of thought in itself.

One is in all the right places at all the right times.

Light has returned to the Earth

Death rises no more, and the ashes fade in wind cast by the beating wings of the rising phoenix,

As the future now lies within ones own hands, and given to that future day whence one will be able to look at the brief and sundry years of living within a time of dying individuals

To reflect on a time of limited DNA, and know this was only a fleeting expression, of an infinite progression.

Returned to grace,

Returned to life eternal,

Accepting the power is extant within all who have minds to evolve

The time for peace begins.